Dear Seventh Grade Mustang Families,
Starting TODAY, elective requests can be submitted on the Infinite Campus Portal. To prepare for submitting your student’s elective requests, please watch this short video HERE. For more information about our elective choices, please watch this video HERE.
Please see below for the links discussed above and a timeline of dates:
- Starting TODAY: Please watch the following videos as your prepare to submit your Mustang’s 25-26 elective requests:
- Encore Class Preview video HERE
- Elective Class Request Process video HERE
- January 13-January 24: Submit your student’s 8th Grade Elective Class Requests on the Infinite Campus Portal HERE.
Please note that priority when scheduling is ensuring that your student is placed in the appropriate core content subject classes (language arts, mathematics, social studies, science, and PE/health). Once those classes are scheduled, every effort will be made to honor your student’s elective requests. However, due to priority scheduling placed on core content class placement, we cannot guarantee that your student will get both electives they have requested. Please note that elective requests are not first come first served, so please feel free to take your time to select and then request your Mustang’s electives!
Please let me know if you have any questions.