Clubs and Intramural Sports

Information about clubs/activities are given during announcements daily to all students. All permission slips are located in the cafeteria for all to pick up; however, linked below are the same permission slips for your use.

For more information, please email the sponsors of each club.
After School Late Run Bus Routes



Anime Club

Run by

Ms Perales
A passionate community dedicated to exploring, appreciating, and celebrating the captivating world of anime and Japanese animation culture. Our mission is to provide a welcoming space where enthusiasts can share their love for anime and discuss diverse genres, characters, and storylines. Anyone is welcome to join. Students can start and stop at any time. Please contact Ms. Perales with any questions.


Anime Club Permission Slip

Chess Club

Run by

Mr. Fletcher
Chess Club is open to all 7th and 8th graders. All skill levels are welcome! Don’t know how to play? No problem, we’ll teach you! The goal is to play chess, hang out and have fun! The club will meet Tuesdays after school starting on September 12th and will meet through mid October. See Mr. Fletcher if you have any questions.
Chess Club Permission Form


Club Unify

Run by

Mrs. Woods
Ms. Geraghty
Club Unify is a year-long after-school program that is committed to Respect, Inclusion, and Awareness. Club Unify is a leadership club that has Mead students with and without special needs building friendships, making connections, creating school-wide and community-wide projects and growing on being a Unified Champion School. Club Unify meets once a month and all are welcome!
Club Unify Permission Form


Dissection Club

Run by

Mr. Hirshfeld
The two weeks from March 13-17 and March 20 -24, students will have the opportunity to dissect frogs and fetal pigs to analyze the organism’s anatomy and physiology and compare their findings to understand how the human system works. You must commit to participate in each of the 2 weeks of dissection. One for frogs, one for fetal pigs.


Drama Club

Run by

Mr. Fletcher
Ms. Geraghty
Drama Club is an after-school club established to allow students to work collaboratively with others, build confidence and performing and speaking skills, and a love for the arts. Drama Club needs a Cast AND a Crew! AND is open to all 7th and 8th grade students.
Drama Club Permission Form


Fluid Power Challenge

Run by

Mr. Hirshfeld
After attending an information workshop that explains the year’s challenge, each team of 4 students will design and build a prototype or model of a fluid and pneumatic powered machine that will accomplish the task set forth. They will also assemble a portfolio of the work they have done to enter the competition. They will use their knowledge and skills to reproduce the machine they designed on the day of the competition.

Fluid Power Challenge Permission Slip



Game Club

Run by

Ms. Ravanesi
All are welcome at any time! Board games, card games, video games, computer games and more! Popular choices from last year’s game club: The Game of Life, Coolmath Games, Quick, Draw!, Pictionary, Scattergories, UNO, and Jenga. We will meet every Thursday starting on November 9th through March 21st. We will meet in room 103 at 2:30 – find Ms. Ravanesi if you have any questions!
Game Club Permission Slip

Garden Club

Run by

Mrs. Hoppesch
Mr. Pfeifer
Mead’s Garden Club is a way to learn about gardening and to make and eat tasty recipes from what we grow through hands-on activities. We grow a variety of herbs and vegetables, and we’ve extended our garden to the surrounding grounds, where we’ve planted hostas and tulips.
Produce not used to make club snacks is donated to a local food pantry. Join our club if you want to develop your green thumb! We meet in room 103 before going out to the gardens together. Please bring a permission slip, and notify us of any food allergies or restrictions.

Garden Club Permission Form



History Fair Club

Run by

Ms. Morrison
History Fair Club runs from December – March for Magnet students to work on their History Fair Projects. Every Monday after school in room 223, students will be given time to research, build projects, and seek advice from Ms. Morrison about how to make competitive projects.


Run by

Dr. Varchmin
If you like problem solving, working with others on challenging puzzles, and enjoy doing math, then join Mathletes.  We meet after school weekly from January to March.  This is a math club in which we train for a district math competition in the Spring.  We love math. We talk math. We share our thinking about math, and we represent the great minds here at Mead. #reigningchampions2023
Mathletes Permission Slip



Mead TV

Run by

Ms. Heinlein
Mead TV is open to all students that attend Mead Junior High that try out to gain a roll on the daily broadcast.  Eighth grade students are given preference for on air positions. Students are engaged in the pre-planning, set-up, operation of, performance in, and distribution of a live television broadcast throughout the school on a daily basis. 

Multicultural We Are One Club

Run by

Ms. Lopez Sunday
We are all connected through our diversity to make up ONE school! Come out and find how everyone’s uniqueness makes Mead Jr High a place of belonging. Our club will start late October.



Mustang Cycles

Run by

Mr. Marquez
Mrs. Lopez Sunday
Do you like to bike? Mustang Cycles is a Spring club. We will meet starting April 9th, Tuesdays and Thursdays for the month of April and May. Our club covers bike maintenance, bike safety and professional cycling. We welcome all levels! You don’t need a bike to be a part of The Mustang cycles. We will meet upstairs next to the Creation Studio in room 228.
Mustang Cycles Permission Slip

Mustangs Movement and Meditation Club

Run by

Ms. Perales
Ms. Bobren
Are you looking for ways to calm your mind, gain mental/physical flexibility and overall strength? In this yoga and meditation club, we will practice self-compassion, balance, learn new ways to cope with adversity and have the opportunity to connect with others.
Movement and Meditation Club Permission Slip



Prairie Partners

Run by

Mr. Pfeifer
The purpose of Prairie Partners is to create an environmental club that establishes and maintains the preservation of prairies and other natural areas in Illinois. Prairie Partners is an after school club that will meet in the Spring at Hoover Elementary School. Magnet students will serve as Mead Mentors to a group of 20 3rd grade students. Together with the help of Mrs. Franz (Hoover gifted teacher) and Mr. Pfeifer (Mead Magnet teacher) students will learn the importance of community service, native gardening and mentorship.
Prairie Partners Permission Form

Pride Club

Run by

Ms. Perales
Pride Club aims to help create a vibrant and inclusive community that celebrates diversity, promotes equality, and fosters a sense of belonging for all students at Mead JH. Through discussions, activities, and projects, we will work together to embrace differences and ultimately be PROUD of who YOU ARE! Anyone is welcome to join. Students can start and stop at any time. Please contact Ms. Perales with any questions.

Pride Club Permission Slip


Rocketry Club

Run by

Mr. Hirshfeld
In Rocketry Club, students work collaboratively to learn about and engineer functional rockets, as well as other machines related to rocket physics. Students that have participated in Rocketry club before at their elementary schools will be given more advanced rocket designs to create. Students will have the opportunity to launch their hand crafted rockets at the annual District 54 Rocket Launch in the Spring
Rocketry Club Permission Slip


Rube Goldberg Club

Run by

Mr. Hirshfeld
A Rube Goldberg machine is a machine that is designed to perform a very simple task in a very over-complicated fashion. This club will cater to your creative and inventive side. There will be a maximum of 10 students on the team and you must be willing to commit to one Saturday for our contest along with approximately 15 after school meetings.


Service Club

Run by

Mr. Pfeifer
Ms. Perales
Service Club will work with the school to organize charity events in the winter and spring time. We bring the school together to support various causes
We will meet once a week and work together to find community solutions to current problems.
These can range from organizing food drives to volunteering at animal shelters, and all sorts of projects along
those lines.
Meting Dates:
January: 22
April: 5
Two more dates TBD in April
Service Club Permission Slip


Tennis Club

Run by

Ms. Ravanesi
Welcoming beginners or pros! We will develop and grow mechanics, teach basic court positioning for singles and doubles, and learn how to keep score. Participants will engage in technical instruction, fun drills, and competitive games and matches. Bring gym shoes and a racquet if you have one! Our fall session will run every Thursday starting August 31st through November 2nd. Our spring session will also run every Thursday starting April 4th through May 23rd.
Tennis Club Permission Slip


Unified Softball Club

Run by

Mrs. Woods
Ms. Geraghty

Unified softball club is for all students who want to play 16-inch softball! No equipment needed! You will learn how to field, hit, and play softball! We will play across the parking lot from Mead on the softball fields. Anyone can join! If you are interested, contact Ms. Geraghty or come to the informational meeting on March 21st!

Unified Softball Club Permission Slip


Yearbook Club

Run by

Ms. Morrison
Mrs. Reimel
Yearbook Club meets every Thursday from November to Spring Break after school in room 223 (Ms. Morrison’s Room). In Yearbook Club, you will design the Yearbook by selecting pictures from school events and creating a layout. Students will use computer design and art skills to create pages. Students will get a chance to take some pictures of clubs and activities during the school year. Yearbook Club is a great way to have fun and socialize with friends. Please contact Ms. Morrison or Mrs. Reimel for any questions.
Yearbook Club Permission Slip

Intramural Sports


In order to participate in the following intramurals at Mead, students MUST have a Sports Physical on file with the nurse and complete the Intramural Sports Permission Slip.

Sports Physical

Sports Physical-Spanish Version

Intramural Sports Permission Slip



Run by

Mr. Hirshfeld

Soccer intramurals are every Tuesday and Thursday and take place in the fall and spring.  Whether you have soccer experience or not, come on out and have fun playing.  After you get a permission slip signed, you can show up and play! We meet every Tuesday and Thursday in Mr. Hirshfeld’s room 104 after school and then head out to the field together to play till 3:45.  Please remember to bring clothes and shoes to play in! Come out and join us!

Co-Ed Volleyball

Run by

Mr. Donlan
Mrs. Haney

Co-Ed volleyball intramurals is open to all 7th and 8th grade students.  Come have a great time playing volleyball games in a relaxed, fun setting.  The meeting dates for this year are:  Tues. 12/13, Thurs. 12/15, Fri. 12/16, Mon. 12/19 and Tues. 12/20


Co-Ed Volleyball Information Sheet
Co-Ed Volleyball Permission Form