
August 19, 2024

Greetings Margaret Mead Community,
We had a great start to the school year!  It was great to meet our new Mustangs on Thursday and welcomed back our eighth-grade students on Friday.  We have a wonderful group of students this school year.  Our eighth grade students have matured into a great group of student leaders and our seventh grade students have made a positive impression in their first week as junior high school students.  
Our school-wide messages are “We Are One” and “Mead Made”.   We believe “We Are One” and “Mead Made” promote a spirit of togetherness that is the secret to our success as a school community.  As educators of adolescents, we believe that we are change agents to positively impact your student during this critical time in their development.  We know that it is not a “one size fits all” solution and that it takes time and a climate of safety to implement and nurture these changes.  On a daily basis, we use evidence to help us see that we are sufficiently providing the tools necessary ensure your student’s success.  We believe that moving forward with a “We Are One” spirit that we can all do this, we can all focus, we can all deeply implement, and we can all help your student become “Mead Made” this school year.  Thank you for putting your trust in us every school day.   Together, we join you in the collective responsibility for the success of your student.  
Last week featured the following back-to-school events:

  • Thursday, August 15 was “Move Into Mead”, a special day devoted to connecting our newest Mustang to their new school community.  Students started the morning with a “Mead Made” celebration upon entry where Mead staff members lined the main hallway cheering our seventh grade students to ensure they welcomed to their first day with a smile!  Once the students came in the building, they made their way to their first assembly where they sat in the same seats that they will be sitting in when they practice for their eighth grade graduation ceremony in two years.   They spent the assembly having fun as a new class and it ended with me reading my graduation ceremony address to the students—the same one that they will hear from me when they graduate from Mead JHS at the end of eighth grade!  After the assembly, the students stayed with their Advocacy classes and rotated through various stations including learning about clubs and sports, the Creation Studio, our guidance department, and even did a fun team-building activity!   They concluded their day by going through a shortened version of their class schedule.   After “Move Into Mead” on Monday, we feel confident that our seventh grade students are prepared for a positive start at Mead.  


  • Friday, August 16 was our “We Are One Day” when our students who ride the bus were greeted by Mead staff members who rode the buses to welcome our Mustangs to the school year!   As the students made their way into the buidling, our staff again lined the main hallway to provide a true “We Are One” welcome to the year.  The students first stop was an assembly in the gym with our entire school community.   During the assembly, we talked about “Mead Made” expectations, heard from a Mead alum who talked about how his experiences at Mead inspired him to write a novel as a senior in high school and become the youngest graduate in UIC’s School of Engineering in history!  After the assembly, the students moved through their class schedules where they learned more our “Mead Made” expectations.   This was another day that set our students up for success as we kick off the school year.  

After last week’s opening events, our students are set up for a fantastic school year.  The remainder of this letter is to provide you with a few items of note as we get the school year going: 
To create a successful school year for students and teachers, attendance and punctuality are very important. Students who are absent miss a great deal of classroom instruction. Regular, daily attendance is a key factor for school success and is required by law. Unnecessary absence from school may have a negative effect on a student’s attitude, work habits, and progress.  However, students who are ill should not be sent to school for their own good and the welfare of others.   Please call 847-357-6002 by 8:00 am each day your student will be absent. Please make every effort to schedule vacations and medical appointments around the school calendar.  Any student absences not reported will be marked at unexcused.  Excessive unexcused absences will be considered truant behavior.  Students and/or parents may check the Mead website for homework, email a teacher or leave a message for a teacher through voicemail. The Parent Portal is also available for checking missing assignments, attendance and tardies.  The link can be found on our Mead website. Additionally, students can access the calendars of his/her individual Google Classrooms and find information about the day’s lesson and assignments.
Research provides strong evidence that, when used appropriately, homework benefits student achievement.  The purpose of homework is to enrich or extend school instruction, and to give our students opportunities to maintain new learning through independent practice.  At Mead Junior High, homework will be utilized to emphasize the importance of learning in settings other than a classroom.  Students are asked to do their personal best on all work in a timely manner.  Students will be held accountable for all assignments.  A zero will not be given on any assignment provided the assignment is satisfactorily completed in a timely manner.  Late work will be accepted and graded for no less than 50% of the total grade.  At the end of the unit, the missing assignment will be marked as a zero in the gradebook.  In addition, modifications and adaptations to homework will also be made at a teacher’s and/or team’s discretion as necessary.  As always, please feel free to contact your student’s teacher(s) if there is a specific concern. 
Mead students in 7th and 8th grade use the organizational tools on the Google platform on their Chromebook to help them develop organizational skills and learn responsibility. This platform also serves as a communication tool between home and school. The Chromebook is given to students after the first week of school to be used for the entire school year.  In addition, students can check the homework pages updated nightly at our Mead Homework Website  
We encourage you to use the Mead website as your primary information resource for Mead.   The site was designed to offer parents, students, employees and community members an easy way to stay informed on all matters related to Mead. Each site includes a staff directory with phone numbers and emails for employees and a Google calendar, allowing visitors to subscribe to school and district events. All other resources are accessible by clicking on the Resources menu, which either on the left side of your screen or accessed by clicking on the word Menu on the top left side of the screen if you’re viewing it on a smaller device, such as a smartphone. The site adjusts its layout based on whether you are viewing it from a smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop computer. Please click on this link to stay up-to-date on your student’s daily assignments through our Mead Homework Page.  Please take some time to check out our website at Mead JHS Website 
Please note that junior high school hours are earlier than elementary school hours.  We start the school day at 7:38 a.m. with the entry bell ringing at 7:30 a.m. and conclude at 2:15 p.m.  Please note:  Beginning Wednesday, August 21, every Wednesday is designated for staff development.  Students are dismissed 30 minutes early on Wednesdays at 1:45 pm.  
If your student is eligible to ride a bus to and from school, then the District 54 Transportation Department mailed your student’s bus pass to you.  If your student rides the bus to and from school, please note the following procedures:

  • All students riding a bus are required to show their bus pass upon boarding the bus.  If a student loses their bus pass, a replacement bus pass may be acquired in the main office.
  • If your student is assigned a bus, please encourage them to take the bus home after school for safety reasons.
  • For students who choose to stay after school hours for sports and/or clubs, we do run an activity bus that will take your student home.  The bus begins loading students at 3:50 pm and departs Mead at 4:00 pm.  Please encourage your student to take advantage of the activity bus and stay at Mead for our great extra-curricular offerings.

The following are procedures which have been established because student safety is our primary concern.  We understand that some procedures may inconvenience you, but as stated above, safety is our primary concern.  

  • There is no adult supervision prior to the 7:30 am bell.  Therefore, students should arrive at school no earlier than 7:25 am (unless coming early with an authorized morning pass provided by a teacher).  
  • IMPORTANT UPDATE: Students being dropped off by car during arrival or picked up by car during dismissal are only required to drop off/pick up along the west side of Biesterfield or along Gibson.  Please note that students ARE NOT ALLOWED to be dropped off/picked up along the east side of Biesterfield–the Elk Grove Village Police Department has designed this space as a “No Idling Zone” that will be enforced by both Mead staff and the Elk Grove Village Police Department.  
  • Students being dropped off by car on Biesterfield or walking to school can assemble by door 2, door 5, or door 18 until the 7:30 am bell.  Please be careful where you park and drop off your student.  Parking too close to a crosswalk can restrict pedestrian visibility and result in a ticket.  All students should exit cars from the passenger side of the car only.  All students should cross the street only at the crosswalk. 
  • On dangerously cold winter days, students who arrive before the 7:30 am bell will be let into the school immediately upon arrival before the 7:30 am bell.  In case of extreme snow, students will need to be dropped off at the crosswalk in order to safely enter the building.  Cars cannot block the driveway to let students off.  
  • Students taking a bus will be kept on their bus until the 7:30 am bell after which they are to come directly into the school either through doors 2, 5, or 18.     
  • State law requires bus drivers to use their stop signs when children are entering and leaving the bus.  Driving through the stop sign can result in a ticket.  This also holds true when students are exiting buses in the Mead parking lot.  No cars should be moving when the buses are loading and unloading students in the Mead parking lot.
  • For safety reasons when busses are present, the Mead parking lot is CLOSED for car drop off during arrival 7:15-7:35 am and for car pick up during dismissal 2:00-2:20 pm.   

Student safety is our top concern.  By following all posted signs and driving regulations we can keep our students safe and help you avoid unnecessary tickets.  The police do patrol our area and they do issue tickets.  The entire Mead staff appreciates your patience and cooperation as we strive to provide a safe environment for our students.  
If your student plans to try out for one of our athletic teams and/or participate in intramurals, per School Board Policy, current physicals are required of all students to be on file prior to try-outs and/or participation in any inter-scholastic or intramural sport.   All new students entering our district must present proof of immunizations and a health examination prior to the first day of attendance.  Please note that physical examinations are good for one year from the date of the exam.  If you have any additional questions about your student’s physical and/or immunizations, please contact our school nurse.
We encourage your student to participate in sports and represent Mead as a Mustang “student-athlete”.  If your student is interested in participating in girls basketball, cross country, and/or any other sports this year, please visit the Mead homepage HERE where you can find our sports permission slip, sports physical form, and a description of each sport.   Reminder that if your student plans to participate, per School Board Policy, current physicals are required of all students to be on file and the “Agreement to Participate” form detailing District 54’s head injury policy must be signed by both student-athlete and parent prior to try-outs and/or participation in any inter-scholastic sport.   If you have any additional questions about your student’s physical, please contact our school nurse.  Our junior high school fall sports season kicks off next week:

  • Girls’ basketball informational meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, August 20 after school.   Reminder that you must have an updated sports physical on file with our school nurse before trying out.  You can find the sports physical form HERE.  You can find the permission slip for you to complete and return to Mead HERE.    
  • Boys & Girls Cross Country hosts their first practice after school on Thursday, August 22 after school.  Reminder that you must have an updated sports physical on file with our school nurse before the first practice. You can find the sports physical form HERE.  You can find the permission slip for you to complete and return to Mead HERE.    

Please note that students are encouraged but not required to wear a Mead JH PE uniform.  During the opening days of school, your student will receive a PE uniform order form from their PE teacher.  If you would like to purchase items, then please complete the order form and then bring the completed order form with cash or check (made out to Mead Junior High School) back to Mead so your student can give it to their PE teacher.   
Mead’s Curriculum Night will be held on Tuesday, August 20.   This evening provides our staff the opportunity to interact with you and help set the tone for a positive school year.   During Curriculum Night, you will have an opportunity to meet our staff, hear about our curriculum, special programs, and student expectations. The evening’s program will begin at 6:00 pm in the gymnasium with a presentation by Administrators and our PTA Board.  Please note that Curriculum Night is an adults-only evening so please bring a copy of your student’s schedule with you to Curriculum Night! 
Please join the Mead community on Wednesday, August 28 at Wintrust Field for our annual Mead Night at the Schaumburg Boomers game!  Our Mead Choir will be performing the National Anthem and several staff members and families will be in attendance.  To order tickets, please click on this LINK 
We have an absolutely amazing and dedicated PTA that works diligently to support our students.  In August, you will be able to pre-order weekly PTA Hot Lunch for your student.  Our PTA website will be updated frequently with information about how you can support Mead.  The Mead website, PTA website, and our community emails serve as wonderful forms of communication to send out regular updates.  Please visit our Mead PTA Facebook page for information including how to join the PTA and how to sign up for volunteer opportunities through our PTA.  The PTA is looking for volunteers!  If you are interested in volunteering, please complete this brief SURVEY to express your interest—thanks in advance!  
Thank you to our wonderful Mead PTA for facilitating our Mead Spirit Wear Shop!  To access the online shop, please click on this LINK or scan the QR code in the attached flyer and shop away–the spirit wear shop is open 24 hours a day 365 days a year!  Once you have placed your order, your items will be delivered to Mead JH.  For current Mead students, we will send your ordered items home with your Mustang.  A portion of the purchase will support the Mead PTA.
The Mead PTA Hot Lunch program is back at Mead again this school year.  Please see attached form or read below for more information.  You can preorder a hot lunch for your Mustang to be served on Thursdays during lunch periods by placing your order online at HERE. The hot lunch ordering will begin on Monday, August 12.  Hot Lunch ordering will be available only 3 months (September, October and December) at a time.  Please note that MONTHLY ORDERING IS NOT AVAILABLE. Parents can pay by PayPal (do not need to create an account), credit card, or check. If you choose to pay via check, please select the payment option online and make the check payable to Mead PTA. Remember to send the check within 24 hours after the order has been placed to the school office with your child’s name on the envelope. 

  • 8th Grade Parents: You can log in to your account using the same user ID and password as last school year. Please contact the Hot Lunch Team if you have any issues with your account. 
  • 7th Grade Parents: Please create an account following the instructions on the “Mead Jr. High Hot Lunch Online Steps” sheet that is in the folder. 

We need volunteers to serve our students hot lunch—if you are interested, then please sign up HERE.  If you have any questions, the please email the PTA Hot Lunch Team at [email protected]

This year’s PTA Reflections theme is, “Accepting Imperfections”.  We would love for our Mustangs to show their incredible talents in the categories of dance choreography, film production, literature, music composition, photography, and visual arts!  Please see attached flyer and application for more information!   
Our first Pizza Day is coming up on Tuesday, August 27 during the lunch periods.  Slices will be $3.00.  You will be required to pre-order and pay for your students pizza by clicking on the order form HERE.  If you are interested in volunteering to serve pizza slices to our students, then please click on this LINK and choose the time(s) you prefer!   
On Wednesday, your student will come home with their D54-issued Chromebook that they will use for the remainder of the year.  This week, our Mustangs will be trained on using their Chromebook.  Part of the training will be how to organize their class assignments.  Students are required to carry their Chromebooks with them from class to class and home at night.  An important responsibility that has been and will continue to be communicated to your student is that they must bring their Chromebooks home nightly and fully charge them for the next school day.  In addition, we are asking the students to bring their chargers with them to school every day in case their Chromebook is not charged as they will be able to use an outlet in one of their classrooms to charge their Chromebook.  Your student will be assigned a “controlled” Gmail account to access Google Apps for Education at school, and to further explore concepts introduced in class at home. The Chromebooks and Google Apps are technology tools that provide all students with access to digital content and higher levels of individualized instruction.  Your student’s teachers will also create “digital classrooms,” which will enable them to post announcements and assignments online. Your student will interact with these “digital classrooms” regularly by completing and submitting assignments electronically both in school and from home.  Students will be joining each of their teacher’s “digital classroom”.  Please note that District 54 computers are subject to our Internet filter, in order to avoid students accessing websites that are not appropriate. In addition, District 54 teachers will continue to discuss digital citizenship with students throughout the school year.  Please see the attached form Chromebook Protection Plan – Optional Insurance.pdf for the optional School District 54 Chromebook Protection Plan (insurance).  Please see below for general information about the optional Insurance:

  • Nonrefundable Premium:  $25 annually
  • Deductible:  $50
  • Maximum Coverage Per Year:  $250
  • Lost/Stolen or Unrepairable Cost:  $250 per Chromebook
  • Coverage Time: One (1) school year
  • Effective Date:  First day of school. 
  • Expiration Date:  The last day of school before summer vacation or the date a student leaves District 54

We are so grateful to the amazing individuals who support our students and our staff by serving as paraprofessionals, custodians and substitute teachers – and we need more of you to help ensure the success of all students.

  • Informational Meeting: Want to learn more about what the job entails, how to apply and why working in District 54 is so rewarding? Join us for the District 54 Job Fair from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. or 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. Sept. 10 at the District 54 Professional Learning Center (522 E. Schaumburg Road in Schaumburg). Walk-ins are welcome, or click here to register in advance. If you are interested in learning more but cannot attend one of the sessions, email [email protected].
  • Ready to Apply? Visit our Careers Website for a list of job openings, current rates and additional information. Interviews for paraprofessionals and custodians will take place at the Sept. 10 event for people who apply in advance. We will also try to accommodate individuals who walk in that day with their resumes.


  • Monday, August 19 through Friday, August 30, we will be running our “Connect & Check” program when your student will spend a portion of every school day in their Advocacy class.  We have attached the special bell schedules for those days.
  • Monday, August 19 and Tuesday, August 20: Our Mustangs will be going through the D54-required “Digital Citizenship” lessons.
  • Tuesday, August 20 is Curriculum Night—please see above for more information.   
  • Wednesday, August 21: your student will come home with their D54-issued Chromebook that they will use for the remainder of the year.  
  • On Monday, August 26, our students will take their Fall MAP assessment in their Advocacy locations. Because we will be testing all day, there will be NO instruction or posted assignments for your student to complete on this day.  Students will MAP test with their Advocacy teachers in their Advocacy locations.  On testing day, students should bring their Chromebook, charger, lunch, and a book to read.   Please see below for the schedule for this day.
  • On Monday, August 26, our students will also participate in an evacuation drill.  As required by the Illinois School Code, our schools participate in fire, severe weather, bus evacuation and emergency response drills to ensure our students and employees know what to do should an emergency occur. Our past experience in conducting drills has shown us that most students are able to participate with the understanding that it is just a drill. However, we do allow parents/guardians to exempt a student from the drill. Should you feel this situation would be too traumatic for your student or should you want more information about the drills, please contact me at 847-357-6070.  Under state law, schools must still provide alternative safety education related to an active threat to students who do not participate in the drill.  The safety of your student is very important to our staff. Should you have any questions about this drill, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
  • Wednesday, August 28 is Mead Night at the Schaumburg Boomers game—please see above for more information!
  • Sunday, September 1: Our Mustang Band and Orchestra perform at Septemberfest
  • Monday, September 2: No school due to Labor Day
  • Wednesday, September 18: Half-day of school due to Staff Inservice
  • Sunday, September 22Join School District 54 in supporting literacy and promoting health and fitness for all ages by signing up today for the 20th annual Run to Read on Sept. 22, 2024, at Dirksen School. This is a favorite event of many students, staff and families in the District 54 community because the morning includes something for everyone – a 5K run/walk, a 1-mile family walk and children’s sprint races. To top it off, every participant gets a T-shirt and a finisher’s medal. Take advantage of early-bird pricing and sign up HERE 

Please visit our Mead JHS Website for the building calendar.  Don’t forget to “Like” us on Facebook, follow us Instagram, and watch our YouTube Channel to stay updated with the latest news and information about the great things happening at Mead.   As always, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.  Thank you for your continued support and commitment to ensuring your student’s educational success.

M. Scott Ross